Textio rocketed onto Seattle's tech startup scene in 2014 with an innovative technology platform that could identify and correct unconscious gender bias in corporate job postings. This unseen bias in language was causing job applicant pools—especially in the tech industry—to skew heavily male, and Textio invented software to eradicate the problem.

Textio brought me in to revamp their initial branding as they were about to raise their second round of funding and start pursuing six-figure contracts at Fortune 500-level companies. I worked together with Textio's two co-founders and their VP of Design to redesign their logo, launch a blog on Medium, build their fundraising pitch decks, and overhaul their marketing website.

Over the next six years I continued to help them expand their brand identity, producing a series of brand videos and making updates to their marketing site whenever they launched a new set of features or a new product. I even worked with a local architecture firm on the planning and design of Textio's new office space!